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Opening up About Money – Easy or Not?

How comfortable are you talking about money? A recent survey by KBK Wealth Connection found that 44%* of Americans would rather discuss religion, death or politics with a loved one than the practical details of their finances.

Whether it is through embarrassment or fear of upsetting the applecart, such reticence can have profound consequences on future financial security and especially on retirement plans. This is why it is vital that you find a financial advisor who you feel comfortable talking to – if you can't discuss money with your partner or children, at least you should be able to discuss it with a professional.

Five Top Tips for Cross-Border Investing and Retirement Planning

The most important thing you can do as a either a resident alien or non resident alien in the US, or as an American citizen moving abroad, is to take advice in relation to your cross-border investing and retirement planning options.

Here are five top tips from Blacktower (US) LLC to help you ensure that you and your finances do not fall foul of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FACTA) and some of the more impenetrable facets of wealth management and retirement planning in the US.

Will you Need to Keep Working into Your Retirement Years?

A recently published study by Ipsos for the ING Group, ING International Survey Savings 2019, has cast some light on why it is so important that people take retirement planning advice early during their working lives.

The study found that 62% in the United States and 61% of people in Europe, are worried by whether they will have sufficient money in retirement.

Furthermore, only 30% of retired people in the US said they were able to maintain the same lifestyle they enjoyed pre-retirement, while only 24% of the non-retired said that they expected they'd be able to enjoy the same lifestyle.

Retirement Planning During Your Second Career

When the Social Security program came into force in 1935 the official retirement age in the USA was 65, yet the average life expectancy was 61*. Nowadays, average life-expectancy is around 76 years** and can be much higher among educated, healthy-living individuals, especially women.

Increased life expectancy creates a need for greater retirement assets in order to ensure sufficient income during retirement and one consequence of this is the advent of later-life careers while another is the increased imperative to plan early and to ensure a diverse portfolio of assets.

Should Investors Try to Time the Market?

It is easy to see why many retirement investors may be tempted by the prospect of timing the market: imagine if you could ensure that you only ever invested in stocks at the time when the market was rising and only ever sold at the time when it was cresting like a wave that is about to crash.

However, your chances of timing your trading to perfection are, in reality, likely to be comparable to predicting the jackpot numbers in the lottery and chancing your retirement savings in such a way is likely to be at best a risky proposition and at worst, a catastrophe.

The reality is that there is no scientific way to time the market. This is not to say that there are no strategies you can utilise in order to protect and grow your wealth, only that these are going to be less about timing and more about foresighted planning, i.e. investing early in order to enjoy long-term gains and having a well-diversified portfolio of retirement assets that is able to withstand the inevitable volatilities of the market.

WEF Report Highlights Retirement Planning Shortfalls

A new report from the World Economic Forum (WEF) titled "Investing in (and for) Our Future", has outlined concerns that many of the world's retirement savers will outlive their savings by more than a decade.*

The WEF warns that overburdened state and private employee retirement plans are ill-equipped to deal with the pressures of ageing populations and new economic concerns, and says that retirees in six of the world's major economies – Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, Australia, Canada and the Netherlands – risk outliving their retirement plans by, on average,8 to 20 years.

It also sought to highlight the plight of female retirement savers in particular, who, as well as living longer than their male counterparts, tend to draw on smaller pension pots.

Health Savings Accounts and Expatriation

Health savings accounts (HSAs) are an attractive and popular complement to the retirement plans of an increasing number of Americans. The Employment Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) reports that around 3 in 10 employees in the US are enrolled in HSA-eligible health plans.*

Although an HSA is not a retirement account per se, they are frequently a component of a retirement saving strategy as they can be used to cover qualifying healthcare expenses while also offering tax-friendly advantages, particularly if the account holder is able to compound the account's balance over years.

The Fuss About FATCA and Financial Data Sharing

We recently reported on why it is likely that the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is likely to remain in place in the US in favour of the Common Reporting Standard, but pressure is mounting in a number of foreign jurisdictions for governments to act.

In France, a group of so-called 'accidental Americans', who are being asked by the IRS to pay tax on global income based on their citizenship alone, have already lobbied US Democrats and have now taken a discrimination lawsuit to the French court because they have been denied access to loans and banking services as a result of FATCA.

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